Products And Services
Heathmont Homeopathy can provide short courses in your local area through willing 'neighbourhood' houses or other facilities able to provide the space and amenities for us to teach at.
If you would like Nadine or Anne to come to your local area to discuss Homeopathy, Naturopathy or Herbal Medicine and you have a suitable venue then let us know.
Short Courses
There are a number of short courses for members of the public as well as professional homeopaths.
These courses are held at a suitable venues by our experienced practitioners.
Home Medicine Course for use by parents and grandparents or other suitable adults to treat and manage simple acute situations around the home.
Other areas of interest we speak on are:
Setting Up A Practice (For Practitioners)
Homeopathy In The Home
Homeopathy As A Career
Homeopathy for Child birth
Homeopathy for your Toddler
Evidence-based Homeopathic Medicine
Homeopathy for the Elderly
Drainage Remedies in Homeopathic Practice
Vitalism in Homeopathy
Evidence-based Homeopathic Practice
Homeopathic Research

Products and Services
Homeopathic medicine prescribed at the time of consultation is either included or charged at a very small rate according to your practitioners fee schedule
We have a small but increasing range of products available.

Martin and Pleasance first aid kit (large)
Martin and Pleasance first aid kit (large) children's
Martin and Pleasance first aid kit (small)
Bach flower kits complete $724.65
Individually prepared travel kits - POA
Individually prepared birthing kits - POA
Individually prepared home medicine kits - POA


Supervision and Mentoring
Tutoring in Homeopathy