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News, Articles and Education
Through all the efforts of those who demanded a review of the flawed NHMRC document that said there was no evidence to support any complementary medicine, I say THANK YOU!
The final decision is with the federal health minister.
its his decision, not a discussion. will it be politically made or about our choices?
This is about your democratic choices; contact your health fund and ask for CAM reinclusion back into private fund rebates.
demand action from your MP, the health minister, the prime minister.
Tell them you are watching them and their decision making on health choices and the climate heating crisis.
Dont give up you democratic right to speak (it may be all we have left).
Sign the petition, sign all the petition..
If its important to you, don't stand-by and do nothing, because its unlikely to be changed otherwise, this is your one and only chance.
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